
I just cant get enough of these kids!! Well, actually I can. Hey, do you see Matthews famous vein? Funny huh? Its been fun taking pictures of Sadie now that she says "cheese." Can you see her pink room in the back? I love it so much, I told Trav that I want to move in with her. Its been fun decorating it. The boys room is cute too, just not as fun JK. Michelle (Travis' sister) is making me a sign with vinyl lettering that says TRUE HEROES. Im going to frame BofM heroes all around their room. Then above their cute pictures that Skye Johansen took of them its going to say, "There's no buddy like a brother." And of course in Sadies room its going to say, "I didn't ask to be a princess, I just am."


Laurie said...

Sadie has grown up so much! She is sooo cute!! Jordan saw this and said, "Oh, I just miss them so much."

We want to see the pictures of their rooms. :)

Heidi said...

I'm so excited that you have started a blog!!! Can you send me your address? I have a thank you note here that is long over-due. How are things going there? Your kids are darling and that house in flagstaff looks SO fun!!! What a beautiful place. Love ya, Heidi
ps... have you checked out our blog? www.justinandheidinelson.blogspot.com
keep in touch!

Unknown said...

It was so fun to see the wonderful pictures of my darling grand children tonight. Grandma Wilkes told me you had a blog, so I immediately checked it out after Travis gave me the address. Thanks for all the cute pictures and the fun sayings. Keep it up! Love, Grandma Reber