
My under roos boy!

I just had to post these. Matthew got soooo excited when I bought him some power ranger under roos. Look at his face, he really thinks he is a power ranger. He doesnt think they are underwear and loves to wear them anytime he can. He loves to wear his swimming suit too in the middle of the winter. He also thinks he is seriously the fastest kid around. He says he has to take care of his fast feet. He loves to play this game where he runs back and forth from Sadies room to ours. We will be sitting on the couch watching tv or in the kitchen and when we see him run we know its our cue to say "Trav, did you just see something?" He will do it over and over. He thinks he is so fast we dont even see him. He is such a fun kid.


Laurie said...

That is so cute! Don't you just love underoos??

Michelle said...

So cute! Matthew is so Travis' son. I think Travis' underoos of choice were Superman. He wore them anytime he could. Oh, memories :)!

Michelle said...
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