
Travis's trip to Alaska

See that nice cabin across the river? Thats where the guys stayed. Actually, it was this cute little, cozy cabin they opted for. It had two, three stacked bunk beds. And a little corner table that sat one. How cozy!! Travis went with his Dad, brother Brad, Brothers-in-law, Mark and Ben to the Kenai peninsula in Alaska. They had a good time fishing, fishing and fishing!


claytonandmaryannyates said...

Those fish look amazing i would LOVE!! to have some of that:)I want to go fishing with travis sometime. thanks for the advice and encouragement about school. You blog is looking good. I want to learn how to do that but dont want to take the time to do it. it was good to see you guys, your kids really are so dang cute i love all of their personalities, so special!

Leanne said...

are you kidding? that is some Fish!! Who got the fish? How'd they get it home?